Thursday 13 October 2011

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011, Thomas Alfredson) & Drive (2011, Nicholas Winding Refn)

This film is UNBELIEEEEVE...

The story unfolds incredibly slowly and is precision orchestrated, providing a lot of details and characters, yet managing to sustain an increasing air of tension and interest throughout.

The acting is world class. I'm a massive John Hurt fan and frankly could just listen to him talk shit for hours on end, but his and Gary Oldman's performaces in particular are just epic and stand apart from the rest.

Big up Tom Hardy in his flares, too...

The costumes and set design are beautiful; they both compliment and accent the fairly drab, run-down 1970's aesthetic by contrasting it with a very stylish, slick and well arranged mise-en-scene.

This is again built upon by the cinematography which is so smooth and constructed (I'm pretty sure there's some near-on invisible digital pans and zooms) that it just looks like perfection, neither a frame out of place, nor a hair on anyone's head.

This film is so atmospheric it hurts, John le Carre's story (adapted for the screen by Peter Straughan and Bridget O'Connor) is just incredibly dark and brooding, perfectly exploding the innards of a stale war where information and words are the weapons.

Some great set pieces and conversations are as thrilling as explosions and car chases from the biggest Hollywood blockbuster.



Slick Rick suck a dick, Drive starts out smooth as, with a brilliant and tense bank robbery/car chase action packed opening sequence which has a very Michael Mannish look about it. Sadly there's no Heat after the burn...

*EDIT: It's been pointed out that this is not infact based on the game Driver which could have fooled me, with it's adversely videogame influenced stylistic features. (that and not doing any fucking research). It's in fact based on a Novel by James Sallis, published in 2005. If I wrote that novel I'd be extremely pissed off. (Thanks Will Jones).

Here's the subjectivity: Gosling's shit at acting and is trying and failing to be as badass as Steve Mcqueen. Homage or no homage there's not enough action or interesting characters to keep up with the visuals.

It does look pretty good and the soundtrack has some bangers, and I happened to enjoy the ONE good chase scene (seriously wtf? it's called Drive) but sadly that's all it has to offer for me.

A terrible love story takes up too much screentime and puts the shit-stained cherry on top for me; Gossy ends up doing some crim stuff with the girl-he-fancies recently-released-from-prison husband, which ends up getting him killed! Too much man! Gossy you twat!

Flawed but slick. No Bulitt in the gun.



Cal x

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